
Paella pan 960 mm


or from 9.90-19.80
(Price with VAT: 36.00-72.00)
Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Paella pan 960 mm

Diameter: 960 mm Capacity: 50–80 portions NB! Gas cost will be added to the price Gas 11 kg – 22 € Gas 5 kg – 14€ Gas consumption at full volume 1.5 kg/h, under normal conditions 0.5–1 kg/h The gas cylinder must be returned! With a paella pan, you can prepare various dishes from both uncooked and pre-cooked raw materials. The pan can hold 50–80 portions, depending on the dish. The 5-centimetre-high edge of the pan also allows food to be stewed and steamed (under the lid), which is a big advantage over a pan with a low edge. Just use your imagination and cook your favourite dish in the pan!       paellapannide müük paella pann wokpannid müük paellapannide komplekt müük peapannid wok paella pannide müük paellapannide müük paella pann wokpannid müük paellapannide komplekt müük peapannid wok paella pannide müük   Cleaning the paella pan It is not recommended to clean the pan with water, as water will dissolve the protective layer burnt onto the pan and may cause rust. However, if this was done, the initial seasoning procedure described above must be repeated. Clean the surface of the pan with coarse salt – after use and after removing food residues, sprinkle coarse salt on the hot pan (with the burner working) and old fat will be absorbed into the salt crystals. Do not clean the pan with detergents– this will give food an unpleasant taste. If a thick and uneven layer of dirt has accumulated on the pan, it can be removed with a metal or wooden spatula. Cleaning the wind protection – all wind protection components are made of steel and galvanised (zinc plated) and painted with heat-resistant powder coating. Food residues – grease, etc. – accumulate on the outer side panel during use. To clean, use regular grease-dissolving dishwashing detergents, rinse thoroughly. Cleaning the burner – smaller residues can be removed from the burner with a dry or gently damp cloth. If the tiny holes in the burner are blocked, they can be cleaned with a fine metal wire. 

Product type


Add cleaning service

No cleaning service, Yes

Add gas

11kg, 5kg, I don't need gas


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