
Beer furniture rental 50 cm wide


or from 3.30-5.91
(Price with VAT: 12.00-21.48)
Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Beer furniture rental 50 cm


Beer garden furniture, or outdoor furniture, is waterproof and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The furniture has a sturdy and stable frame that ensures stability, durability, and longevity.

The set includes a folding table and two folding benches. The surface of the furniture has a UV-resistant and environmentally friendly triple lacquer coating to protect the wood from fading. In addition, the material repels moisture and prevents mould.

One beer table seats 8–10 people

Beer garden furniture set 50 cm dimensions:

Table 50 × 220 × h 75 cm

Bench 25 × 220 × h 45 cm

Weight of the set: 50 kg

A set of covers is also available for the beer furniture

You can also rent tables or benches separately

We offer beer garden furniture sets with width of 50 cm, 70 cm and with backrest of 70 cm for rent.


In addition to rentals, it is also possible to buy sets with the following dimensions:

50 cm, with table dimensions 220 × 50 × 76 cm and bench dimensions: 220 × 25 × 46 cm

60 cm, with table dimensions 220 × 60 × 76 cm and bench dimensions: 220 × 25 × 46 cm

70 cm, with table dimensions 220 × 70 × 76 cm and bench dimensions: 220 × 25 × 46 cm

80 cm, with table dimensions 220 × 80 × 76 cm and bench dimensions: 220 × 25 × 46 cm

70 cm backrest, with table dimensions 220 × 70 × 76 cm and bench dimensions: 220 × 25 × 46 cm

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Weight 50 kg
Dimensions 220 × 50 cm
Product type


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