
Popcorn machine rental


or from 11.55-21.45
(Price with VAT: 42.00-78.00)
Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Popcorn machine rental

Professional powerful popcorn machine. Easy to use – delicious popcorn will be ready in about 2 minutes. The popcorn machine is ideal for children’s birthday parties, fairs, festivals, carnivals, etc. Includes 10 popcorn containers free of charge, containers are also sold separately. NB! Each pack contains 6! We have a wide range of containers with different designs, so to choose the most suitable containers for your party, please specify if it is a birthday party for a girl or a boy, what the theme of the party is, etc. Instruction manual for the popcorn machine:

  • Turn on the POWER button
  • Turn on the HEAT button to preheat the bowl for 5–6 minutes.
  • Add 50 ml of oil and 150 g of kernels to the bowl and close the machine door
  • Turn on the TURN button to stir the kernels and wait until all the kernels have popped out of the bowl, then remove the lever on the side of the bowl and pour out the popcorn

NOTE! Do not let oil drip onto the hot plate, as this could cause a fire. The appliance is equipped with a thermostat, so if the temperature exceeds the maximum limit, the machine will automatically switch off to ensure safety.   popcorni topsid  

Product type


Add extra cups

1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, No cups

Add cleaning service

No cleaning service, Yes


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