
Stage platform 2 × 1 m


or from 4.62
(Price with VAT: 16.80)
Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Stage platform 2 × 1 m

Stage platforms can be combined into different sizes depending on your needs.

Possible platform leg heights: 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm

We can build platforms based on the dimensions you need, a few possible platform sizes:

3 × 2 m, 4 × 3 m, 5 × 6 m, 6 × 3 m, 8 × 3 m, 10 × 6 m etc

We also have a selection of platform stairs, railings, and stage skirts

Other sizes of platforms are also available for rental:


Stage platform stairs

  • You can add stage stairs with the height of your choice to access the stage comfortably and safely.
  • The heights of the stage platform steps are 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm, 100 cm.
Lavatrepp poodiumi trepp poodiumite rent lavade rent peoinventari rent
Stage platform stairs











Stage skirt

We offer a special stage cover for the front and sides of the stage.

The stage skirt is attached to the platform with hoop and loop fasteners.

The skirt is black.

Poodiumite rent poodiumid lavad lavapoodium rent poodiumite laenutus poodiumid peoinventari rent










Platform railings

We also provide railings for the stage platforms.

lavapoodiumi piirded poodiumi piirded
Stage platform railings












Tent stages or alternative stages

We offer different sizes of tents for the platforms.

lavade rent lavapoodiumi rent lavatelk alternatiivlava rent lava rent poodiumi rent telklava alternatiivlava rent


lavade rent lavapoodiumi rent lavatelk alternatiivlava rent lava rent poodiumi rent telklava alternatiivlava rent Poodiumite rent lavapoodiumid rent poodiumite rent lavade rent telkide rent

Stage platforms for every event

Ask for a quote today!

Product type



  • Kõik renditooted nädalavahetusel ilma lisapäeva tasuta! Tulete reedel järgi ja tagastate esmaspäeval.
  • Telgid ja peoinventari paigaldame üldjuhul päev enne sündmust - lisatasu ei rakendu.
  • Paigaldame peotelke ja peoinventari üle Eesti 7 päeva nädalas.
  • Laudlinade ja toolikatete rendihind sisaldab meiepoolset pesu
  • Lauanõude rendihind sisaldab nõude meiepoolset pesu
  • Moodultelke rendime ainult koos meiepoolse professionaalse paigalduse ja transpordiga.
  • Kõigile teistele renditoodele saate ka ise järgi tulla ja ise paigaldada.
  • Peo- ja easy up telkidele saab ise järgi tulla ja paigaldada, paigaldusjuhend tuleb kaasa.
  • Meie ladu asub aadressil Kuma tee 3, Peetri 

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