
Multi-unit tent 15 m wide


Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Multi-unit tent 15 m wide

The party tent or multi-unit tent consists of 15- metre-wide and 3-metre-long units, which can be joined into a tent with the size of your choice.

The walls of the multi-unit tent 15 m can be opened individually and the walls do not have to be installed on the tent at all if so desired.

Available tent sizes:

15 × 6 m – 90 m²

15 × 9 m – 135 m²

15 × 12 m – 180 m²

15 × 15 m – 225 m²

15 × 18 m – 270 m²

15 × 21 m – 315 m²

15 × 24 m – 360 m²

15 × 27 m – 405 m²

15 × 30 m – 450 m²



The multi-unit tent 15 m ensures that your party is a hit no matter the weather!


In hot weather and blazing sun, the tent provides party guests with a nice cool shelter and protects food from spoiling due to direct sunlight.

If the weather is nice, you can open all the walls individually if desired, or not put any walls on the tent at all.

In bad weather, the tent offers excellent protection from rain and wind.

Don’t let the weather spoil your party and book your tent early!


Selection of multi-unit tents


In addition to the 1 m tent, our selection also includes a multi-unit tent 6 m and a multi-unit tent 10 m.

The multi-unit tent 6 m consists of 6-metre-wide and 3-metre-long units, which can be joined into a tent with the size of your choice.

The multi-unit tent 10 m consists of 10-metre-wide and3-metre-long units, which can be joined into a tent with the size of your choice.


Multi-unit tent rental – what should you consider?


The size of the event and the number of guests expected will determine the type of tent you choose.

What kind of ground will the party tent be installed on – if you need flooring for the tent, the options are plastic modular flooring and plywood flooring.

Activities inside the tent – is it a party where people sit and eat or do you also need space for a band, a stage, and dancing?

What equipment your event will have – in addition to the guests, will the tent need to accommodate chairs, tables, a stage, entertainment, etc.?

How should you arrange the furniture in the tent – the solution must be comfortable for everyone, with plenty of space for guests to move around and do other activities.


If you’re not sure which tent would be best for your event, call us and we’ll give you advice!

Examples of floor plan layouts for tents:





We also offer balloon decorations and covering the tent with fabric upon request!


Product type


Choose tent size

15x12m – 180m2, 15x15m – 225m2, 15x18m – 270m2, 15x21m – 315m2, 15x24m – 360m2, 15x27m – 405m2, 15x30m – 450m2, 15x33m – 495m2, 15x36m – 540m2, 15x39m – 585m2, 15x3m – 45m2, 15x42m – 630m2, 15x45m – 670m2, 15x48m – 720m2, 15x6m – 90m2, 15x9m – 135m2


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