A silver glitter tablecloth made of well-falling polyester fabric. Suitable for tables Ø150cm, Ø180cm and also as a cover for a trestle table. Very decorative and eye-catching. A gold glitter tablecloth is also available.
Product categories
Tablecloths and chair covers
Heating systems
Party tents
Easy up canopies
Stretch tents
Event lights
Flooring and carpeting
Stage platforms
Paella and grill pans
Stanchions and wardrobe
Entertainment and games
Party packages
Litter bins, trash bag holders and ashtrays
Other products
Fire pits
- Star tents for sale
Product categories
Tablecloths and chair covers
Heating systems
Party tents
Easy up canopies
Stretch tents
Event lights
Flooring and carpeting
Stage platforms
Paella and grill pans
Stanchions and wardrobe
Entertainment and games
Party packages
Litter bins, trash bag holders and ashtrays
Other products
Fire pits
- Star tents for sale
Silver tablecloth Ø280cm
or from
(Price with VAT: €18.00)
Payment in three equal instalments.
0% interest
All prices are subject to VAT.
Product type | Rental |
- Kõik renditooted nädalavahetusel ilma lisapäeva tasuta! Tulete reedel järgi ja tagastate esmaspäeval.
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