
Trash bag holder 200 l rental


or from 1.65
(Price with VAT: 6.00)
Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Trash bag holder 200 l rental

Material: sturdy square metal tube, powder coated Frame height: 85 cm Ring diameter: 40 cm Easily removable legs, which means that the trash bag holder fits in any car, making transportation particularly easy and convenient.


prügikotihoidja rent

Suitable trash bags 200 l

Weight: ~3.5 kg NB! Emptying the trash bag holder is very easy – just lift the holder off the trash bag. Extra 200 l trash bags can be purchased here.  width=

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10pcs, 1pc, 2pcs, 3pcs, 4pcs, 5pcs, 6pcs, 7pcs, 8pcs, 9pcs, No trash bags


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