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Coloured sugar 1 kg


or from 2.64
(Price with VAT: 9.60)
Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Coloured sugar 1 kg

Coloured sugar 1 kg is the ideal sugar for making cotton candy. The sugar is ready to use in a candy floss machine, but is also suitable for use in baked goods.
One can yields about 50 portions of cotton candy – one portion contains about 7 g of sugar – the rest is deposited on the machine’s wall.

NB! Store in a dry and cool place and in a tightly sealed can to protect from moisture!

The sugar:

  • has a good strong aroma
  • has an intense clear colour
  • has a natural flavour
  • is suitable for both professional candy floss machines and home use.


Coloured sugar is available in five colours: pink, blue, green, orange, yellow.

Green sugar – apple

Blue sugar – bubblegum

Pink sugar – strawberry

Orange sugar – orange

Yellow sugar – banana


You can rent a candy floss machine from us

Weight 1 kg
Product type

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Blue – bubblegum, Green – apple, Orange – orange, Pink – strawberry, Yellow – banana, Yellow – lemon


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