
Package – Birthday party for 60


or from 230.67
(Price with VAT: 838.80)
Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Package – Birthday party for 60

Package – Birthday party for 60 – the package provides an ideal opportunity to celebrate your birthday in a relaxed way with your loved ones. The package includes all the necessary equipment for the party – you just have to enjoy the party and we will take care of everything else!


Package includes:

1) Party tent 6 × 12 m including installation

2) Tables with tablecloths:

Ø180 cm6 pcs or 183 × 76cm10 pcs 

3) Wooden folding chairs60 pcs

4) All the necessary dishes for 60 people

  • Dinner plate – 60 pcs
  • Knife and fork – 60 pcs
  • Dessert plates – 60 pcs
  • Dessert spoon – 60 pcs
  • Coffee cup – 60 pcs
  • Drinking glass – 60 pcs
  • Wine or champagne glass – 60 pcs

5) Event lights 21 m

NB! Transport within Tallinn is included in the price, transport costs will be added outside Tallinn!


The party tent 6 × 12m is ideal for 65 people.

In hot weather and blazing sun, the tent provides party guests with a nice cool shelter and protects food from spoiling due to direct sunlight.

It has 6 walls with windows on two sides of the party tent, which can easily be removed if required. In good weather, you can only install the tent roof, leaving the sides of the tent open and creating a spacious shaded area.

The tent has large doors with zippers at both ends, which can easily be removed and attached if necessary. In the case of strong wind, you can install the walls in the direction of the wind and enjoy calm weather, and, if it rains, the tent offers 100% protection.

The tent is made of high-quality PVC material.




String lights are an excellent light source and also an eye-catching decorative element suitable for indoor and outdoor use – party tents, gardens, on trees. Event lights are easy to install and weatherproof.


Valgusketi rent valgusketid lambiketid Valguskettide rent Tallinnas peoinventari rent valgustite rent telkide rent telgi rent


NB! The rental price includes dishwashing and laundry service!

Product type


Add extra cups

1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, No cups


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