
Package – Child’s birthday party for 20


or from 115.17
(Price with VAT: 418.80)
Payment in three equal instalments. 0% interest

All prices are subject to VAT.

Package – Child’s birthday party for 20

Package – Child’s birthday party for 20 – a birthday only comes once a year and has a very special meaning for a child. For this purpose, we have put together a package for 20 people, which is the perfect option if you don’t want to worry about entertainment and are looking to get everything you need for the party from one place.


Package includes:

1) 4 × 6 m party tent with installation

2) Free selection of tables and linen3 pcs

3) Wooden white folding chairs20 pcs

5) Bubble machine with 2 l of liquid – 2 pcs 

6) Candy floss machine with two different coloured sugars and one white sugar + 50 sticks 

7) Popcorn machine and 20 containers

NB! Transport within Tallinn is included in the price, transport costs will be added outside Tallinn!


Party tent 4 × 6 m

It has three walls with windows on two sides of the party tent, which can easily be removed if required.

If the weather is fine, you can also use the party tent without walls, i.e. just as a canopy.

The tent has large doors with zippers at both ends, which can easily be removed and attached if necessary.

Our party tents are made of high-quality PVC material.



The bubble machine makes summer events memorable, providing hours of fun – 1 l of liquid lasts for about 1–1.5 h


The candy floss machine is the biggest hit at children’s parties – you can make around 50 cotton candies in an hour.

Making cotton candy is easy – turn on the machine, wait 3–5 minutes for the machine to warm up, pour sugar into the machine with the included dispenser, spin a wooden stick in the machine for about 60 seconds, and you’re done!


The popcorn machine is a professional and powerful appliance for making delicious popcorn. It’s easy to use – delicious popcorn is ready in about 2 minutes.

Instruction manual for the popcorn machine:

  • Turn on the POWER button
  • Turn on the HEAT button to preheat the bowl for 5–6 minutes.
  • Add 50 ml of oil and 150 g of kernels to the bowl and close the door.
  • Turn on the TURN button to stir the kernels and wait until all the kernels have popped out of the bowl, then remove the lever on the side of the bowl and tip the popcorn out.


NB! The rental price includes dishwashing and laundry service!

Product type


Add extra cups

1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, No cups


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